Herba Rabdosiae Rubescentis

Chinese Name:     Dong Ling Cao         dongling.gif (1096 bytes)

Source:                The aerial part of Rabdosia rubescens.


Clear away heat and toxic, nourish yin, remove blood stasis and relieve swelling:  For carcinoma of esophagus, and cardia, breast and liver, especially effective for epithelial hyperplasia of esophagus; for stomachache due to stomach-heat, hypochondriac pain, sorethroat, cough of heat type, mammary abscess, trauma, etc.

Pharmacological Action:

1.    Its components rubescensine A and B inhibit Ehrlich-Ascites tumor, sarcoma 180 and esophageal carcinoma in experimental animals.
2.    Relieving esophagismus induced by acetylcholine.


Decoction:  30 - 60g and tablet.

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